Once we arrived at the Urabumba River, we were met by our river guides and everyone put on wet suits, life vests, helmets and windbreakers. After a humorous safety course, we divided into 6 boats and headed down the river. Each boat had 6 people and a guide. The guides gave basic instructions and trained the rafters on the skills of moving quickly in response to their orders such as row forward, row backwards, move right, move left, move inside, etc.. The first test of these commands was a small rapid. Our guide yelled right, upon which Kasha, moving to the right side of the boat managed to knock Roman in the mouth as her hand cupped around the handle of her oar, collided with Roman's front teeth.
Fight is ON!
And we all managed to pull ourselves back into focus mode to successfully navigate the three largest rapids.
We pulled ourselves out of the river, changed in tents and then warmed up to a delicious meal of stuffed chicken mashed potatoes and spinach soup with a dulce de leche crepe. Without question it was the kids favorite meal so far. They licked the plates clean! With stomaches full we thanked our river team and headed back to Cusco. The bus ride home was breathtaking but the kids turned their focus to the question game (one of their favorites). After a quick lesson on the art of turnabout conversation they rotated around the bus having 5 minute conversations about everything from their most embarrassing moment to what in life
Once back at our hotel the kids quickly showered and we headed to our show at the same auditorium as our Friday show. The kids were tired but a last minute surprise snack of guinea pig and alpaca provided by Sue and Jocelyn gave them a jolt of energy. OK most of them just squealed after seeing a whole guinea pig sitting there including legs, the head and teeth, but a few brave ones dug in avoiding the guinea pig teeth and feet and regardless it lightened the mood. There were peanut butter sandwiches for the less adventurous. We are lucky to have some amazing chaperones this year.
The show was great. The kids are getting better and better. Reed and Ashlyn stole the show! They have figured out the secret to Peruvian audiences is the clowning and personal connection. Swing was the best yet and the audiences loved somebody to love. Thriller and the Elvis section. And of course all the western. The audience was packed thanks to a few kids who headed out earlier to pass our flyers in full costume.
After the show we ALL got certificates from the Lyons Club of Cusco (our sponsors) and we packed up and headed to dinner at 11:00 . Dinner was interesting but we thanked out restaurant staff and headed home and went to bed ... Well eventually.
Great pics!! Thanks
That is COLD water!! And, I think I would have picked the peanut butter sandwich over the guinnea pig with the legs and the eyes. Jim probably just put a little peanut butter ON his guinnea pig!! Thanks again for the wonderful updates!!
some of us got to be the guides on the rafts for a while and had fun trying to steer the boats
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