I am not a consistent journal writer. It seems to take too long to get thoughts from my head to paper or blog in this case. But every year, I accompany a youth performing group to a distant part of the world. I am so amazed by the things we see and the way the group grows through the experience, I can't help by want to capture it. Don't expect any good writing or pontification - just travel log mostly - enjoy.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Peru Morningstar Pictures are Up and Available for Download

You may have to wait until morning before all the pics make it up. There are a few thousand total pics I am uploading.

Here is the link: http://gallery.me.com/coombiyah

You will see multiple galleries. You can click on a gallery and download the entire group, or click on a single pic and download selected pictures. You can also upload pictures or email them to people you know.

Let me know if you have any problems.


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